Economic Development consulting for Governments, Cities, and Municipalities
If you’re tired of planning to plan, or spending more on studies than actions, you’ve come to the right place. In reality, economic development is not that complicated. Marketing companies do it every day. In fact there is no more efficient way to perform economic development than to market existing and successful business. Whether you are representative of a chamber, an economic development corporation, government official, or anyone else with some influence in the economic development of your region, Wheeler Consulting has a revolutionary plan that can completely renovate the economic landscape. We aren’t looking for 1 or 2% growth. With this plan, we can take your region, city, state, from an underdog to a top producer.
We've Already Created This Revolutionary Economic Development Plan, All You Need to Do is Use it.
We are looking to work with fresh thinking political influencers who are sick of the pocket padding, RFP driven, planning as a deliverable, technical jargon double speaking, re-election focused, good old boys club mentality

Sector Focus – Focus on a top producing sectors as a method of leveraging strengths. One feature of the sector chosen is its ability to draw revenue from competing regions, municipalities, and or nations.

Economic Development Simplification – Economic development is growing an economy, and an economy is composed of a collection of businesses. The most efficient way to grow an economy is to grow existing and established businesses in a repeatable fashion.

Proven Growth Strategies – Use a well developed and effective marketing technique to predictably grow strategically chosen businesses, and use local resources to provide these services, maintaining a closed system to maximize economic growth.
what the plan does not involve

Illogical Economic Development – The Economic Development definition above contrasts with current economic development methods like loan programs, startup funds and grants, and plans to move businesses from other states.

Lag Time – This economic development plan was developed to eliminate lag time. The plan can begin to grow an economy within a matter of a few months and accelerate over time. Let us perform a quick free study to demonstrate what’s possible in your economy.